Monday, June 12, 2006

At Mc. Donalds on a fine bright deceptively sunny day...

Karthini: I'd like a chicken burger, a large fries and a Mc Flurry please. Oh yea, and a coke. You know what, make it a large Mcvalue meal, this one right here. *pointing at the set meal I wanted* and the Oreo McFlurry. *smiles sweetly, hoping for extra bits of Oreo's in McFlurry*


This is why I hate going out of the house. They're everywhere, and there's no avoiding them. I just want to go to school /out with my friends, come home, and stay inside. Some might say that's not a healthy attitude, but there are just too many idiots outside. If I stay away from them, I can just point and laugh from a distance. It's a hell of a lot safer that way too.

Speaking of idiots, I'm not sure when, but I remember this story about these retards who gang-raped a girl and then kept her in a shack to come back for future 'use'. She managed to escape through a window or something and the police were waiting for the guys when they came back. This type of thing makes me wish that castration was a form of capital punishment.

"Place ur **** in the slot please." *chop* NEXT!


Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

"Place ur dick in the slot please." *chop* NEXT!

LMAO!!! AAaaaahh I can't stop laughing!!

lol..did that really happen at McD ? mom was poorly treated once at a shopping mall n she went up to the lady and asked for her name (pretending like she's gonna go to the manager n report). Made her shit in her pants. Damn hilarious...

9:30 am  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Hahaa.. there's a reason I censored the word ****!

Yup it happened, I mean not the "Blarghhh" part but she might as well have been saying that.

HAHA, your mom did that? lol, I know my dad would, but he would REALLY go to the manager.
This highlights the substantial differences between the Indians and Malays.
Malays bark, Indians bite =D

1:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

and chinese??

well least Malays are a bit nicer. It's like.."Fuck off, I'm warning you!" and Indians go staright to the point, "Fuck!"

(K, I'm bad, i think I need to go to some religious camp. Like kem motivasi and learn not to use bad words)

4:34 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Chinese convince the Malays and Indians to bark and bite. =)
Hahaa, you use the term 'nicer', I use the word 'gay'.

LMAO!!! Kem motivasi?! *rofl*

5:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

Lmabie says..... Indian= faggot
faggot = gay
therefore, Indian= gay

(and here's the best part)

9:26 am  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Hahaaa, sorry but that's another thing we (those in ACTUAL LEARNING Tok classes) learnt.
That we can't always rely on authority.
Hahaaa, damn funny la imagining him as someone in 'authority' after all "he can be kinda mean for a .. small guy" =D
The problems with ur lil kesimpulan is that Lambie is BIAS and the first thing isn't true- INDIANS ARE NOT FAGGOTS!!
=D remem Russell Peters? and Devan, for that matter. Anti-gay. *sigh* I miss school.
A lil.

11:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

Chinese convince the Malays and Indians to bark and bite. =)

whoa! i never knew the chinese were so powerful...

1:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

is Gis the anonymous here?
and Lambie being bias is damn fun. Well, I agree with him though. (on the indian thing)

3:44 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

You traitor, kins..
Hahaa, couldn't be Gis. She would have said she always knew the chinese were that powerful.

But I was actually trying to show how manipulative the Chinese can be. Like the time I went to the shop to buy these cookies and they didn't shut the tin properly so the cookies were soft and the guy told me they were SUPPOSED to be soft.
I was like WTH? I was soo insulted. I mean did I look that stupid? .. No, don't answer that. But I told the guy I don't want la, I only liked the crunchy ones and he MIRACULOUSLY produced a tin with the same cookies which WERENT soft.
BLARDY IDIOT. If I wasn't craving those babies, I would have smacked him in the head with the tin and then left.

5:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

excuse me...chinese ARE as a matter of fact blessed with extraordinary ability to convince and organise... apparently to the owner of the cookie shop you look stu*id and he thought you would be gullible... like the majority of your race are...

6:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

btw...that was a compliment to you

6:04 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

I'm a traitor?

9:27 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Really Gis?
I must have missed it.
Gullible? i would say trusting.

Kins, ur a traitor cos ur supposed to defend ur friend (me).. cos thats what FRIENDS do!!
*sings lalalaaa.. i'll be there for you.. when the rain starts to fall.. I'll be.. lalalalaaa*

11:15 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

omg...I'm watching FRIENDS now

4:02 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

hmmm...a repeat of 13th May 1969 on the cards????haha...

9:43 pm  
Blogger sethuraaj did a lil jig and sang...

you guys rock....yeah make me proud to be a malaysian

1:54 pm  
Blogger sethuraaj did a lil jig and sang...

i mean it.....yeah

1:55 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Gee you would really help by sticking in a word on how great indians are.
But hey, saying you are proud of us is enough for one day.

3:28 pm  
Blogger sethuraaj did a lil jig and sang...

i dont need to say a word to support indians...the proof that indians rock is that i am indian....haha

5:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

damn ur mean...ouch...chopping it off??? *shivers at the thought*...please tell me you plan on using

9:07 am  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Yea, if we were to use anaesthesia, we might as well go all the way and serve prisoners muffins and edible food.

5:48 pm  
Blogger Vikneshan did a lil jig and sang...

walao... wei... i think i m feeling insulted the most in this case...well u know,i always could say i m only half insulted but now i m like 3/2 insulted. Anyways... interetsing topic u have got going on here. Btw, hillarious deductions, accusations, etc going on here. I m sure even anand would be speechless. No offense.

6:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

edible food? as opposed to...non-edible food?

7:05 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Hahaa! For Anand to be speechless, all you have to do is put him next to pretty intelligent girls. Which is what we have here. =D

P.s. The edible food thing was a joke. As in the way they currently treat prisoners in soo bad they would be lucky to get edible food. Hahaaa Im so insulting your intellgence.

1:32 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

aiyo...what i meant was...nvm...i'll make it simple...can eat...therefore, food=edible...its understood food's edible...there's no such thing as non edible food...u dun go calling a chair edible...cause its not food..wait...blood pressure rising...count to ten...breathe in and out...sigh..the things i go thru to enlighten the world...and come im not invited to pd? snif sniff...i can be the entertainment and i assure u i can quite attractive when there's no light...*puppy dog eyes*

5:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

*i can be

5:13 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

I realise that but then if I just left it like that.. as in 'serve them edible', it would have a TOTALLY different meaning.. hahahaaa

Eh ur invited too! Find your own ride though. Yeah, I know light isn't your best friend. But darkness, unfortunately, can't hide the lack of wit and intelligence =D

7:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

haha...kiddin la...couldnt make it if i wanted to i dunno how the hell to get to pd from my place...might end up halfway to tibet...hmmph...lack of intelligence and wit? ha...u ain't seen nothing yet...wait till u see me face to face...then u'll really now how much i lack in wit and intelligence (note to not-so-wise: not being sarcastic)

9:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

*know not now....damn these typos

9:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

Hw in d fuckin world did religious issues got anytin 2 do wit a poor service in McD?? Im not goin thr anymore!!

2:23 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

Hahaa.. yes yes. ditch McD and come to Kenny Rogers!

5:34 pm  

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