Friday, August 12, 2005

First day in school..

Wednesday, 10th August..
School today. I get dressed, I mean whatever.. It was going to be fine.. wasn't nervous at all.. I mean I am 17 years old..

Who am I kidding?! I was like dreading this day for so long.. After a lovely holiday spent doing nothing, absolutely nothing at all (one of the few things I am truly talented at..)I was sentenced to continue my studies.. at an International School!! Okay, for those of you who don't know what that means.. It means if you aren't wearing earrings.. or they're tinier than a fist.. (Shalini's fist anyway..)and your clothes don't match.. I mean seriously, that shade of blue soooo doesn't go with your hair! and OH. MY. GOD. I wouldn't ever be caught dead looking like that, gurlfren! or if you happen to like making funny faces for no reason..(just my luck..) *drumroll* you're doomed to the nerdy loser group forever...

The teachers and students are friendly enough.. but I keep blowing it by saying stuff like for example "I dunnoLA.. How can you guys TAHAN this.." Yeah, its may sound right to you and me.. but to them, I might as well be speaking French.. actually some of them know French.. make that Malay..

And to top it off, I had like my 5 day monthly thingee that know what I'm refering to, gurlfren.. and like hello, it was the 1st day!! ( gosh, their whole lingo is contagious..I gotta go now.. search. for. Clorox. to wash mouth. )

Thus, the equation is
1st day of period + blues + d f*&^ing haze + 1st day in school= bad and ugly me..

P.s. I hereby announce that on the 10th of August I start accepting roses and words of comfort to make me feel better.. and if you're really nice and want to earn your way into my good books for one whole WEEK (lucky you) heck,go out of your way and get me a box of chocolates..or two..


Blogger shalynni3_07 did a lil jig and sang...

hey,whats wrong with my fist!!
dont judge a person by her..umm fist!! haha.

12:46 am  
Anonymous Anonymous did a lil jig and sang...

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9:42 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...


10:28 pm  

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