Saturday, August 13, 2005

Not bad, not bad at all..

History. 2.17 p.m.
Under normal circumstances, I would be snoring at 117 decibels and drooling all over my table.. but, this time there was no more f*#^ing Tamadun Islam, nor was there time spent with my head buried in my book, trying desperately to memorise every bloody word on every single page in the book..

Instead,when we were jotting down notes, my History teacher had sneakily sneaked past me to the back of the class and started shouting his head off like an Michael Owen fan who had caught a glimpse of him, flipping chairs and shoving tables out of his way before he got his hands on a stunned boy and started shaking the hell out of the him for no apparent reason.

What the?

Before I could run out of the class screaming and flailing my hands in the air, he stopped. He turned to us and sheepishly grinned, asking us all to write down what had just happened in the past minute. Besides explaining how history can be biased sometimes as everyone sees things from different perspectives, he earned my utmost respect. Just for keeping me from yawning every alternate minute during a History period.

He is also my Economics teacher.. Yippee!! All my dead boring 'you're nuts to be taking' subjects were covered.

Spanish class was mui bien. Chemistry was a small class of 7.. good for studying, I guess. Maths wasn't fun but it was okay, (Even Owen Wilson can't make maths fun for me, although he would help keep my eyes open..)

And that leaves English.

Got this teacher who is slightly bi*chy..Well, actually very.. He has a bunch of rules.. If you send in your homework late on the same day, -10% of ur credit, if you hand it in the next day, -20%, the next and its -50%, and after that, do yourself a favour and throw your work into the bin.. where it belongs..

He says stuff like "I like morbidity." Okay, that didn't sound the way it deserved.. but when he said it he had the whole thing going for him, the slight toss of his head, the sort of "Challenge me" look in his eyes with just the slightest raise of his left eyebrow..

*karthini has dreamy look in her eyes*

He's constantly making witty little remarks..never fails to make me smirk..(and that itself is an accomplishment few can claim to..) Come to think about it, he's hot in his own way, speaks intelligently (one of the few men) but when it comes down to it, he's still a bi*&h.. But hey, I still think he's real amusing. So, he's good.. or maybe I'm just optimistic..

All in all, school's been different. Real different. And change isn't always a bad thing. Unless your best friends are leaving to study far far away. That's bad change.And I've had more than my fair share of bad changes.

So thank you, God.


Blogger Christopher Trottier did a lil jig and sang...

I would never be able to sleep at that volume.

2:51 pm  
Blogger keishaowen did a lil jig and sang...

You kiddin, Tamadun Islam!!
Just thinkin about it..
*head drops on keyboard*
fbg nfudbge;tbg eow vrpawh]2039

10:26 pm  

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