Sunday, November 13, 2005

Breaking news.....

To those thosai's (get it? I'm pretty funny eh? lol, kishore's influence..) passing Section 11 Petaling Jaya, do not, i repeat DO NOT go into the PAANDI"S on the RIGHT when you're facing the restaurants because..
1. They are evil overcharging Indians who have no feelings.
2. They LIED to me (they dont have murtabaks, and actually made fake ones)
3. They swindled my hard earned earnings spent on the 'murtabak' which cost 6 bucks, each!

[Go to the one on the LEFT, they're good, nice, fast and leave lil tissue's on the table.]

But Friday was fun even though those ******* cheated me.
Visiting Kelly's former school and seeing her face light up like a five year old who was just given all the chocolates in the world cos I went with her. Chatting about nothing with her over a Milo Ais and the 'murtabaks'.


Just can't put a price on time spent with a true friend.

But I still can't believe they actually made a roti canai stuffed with chicken meat and served it as a murtabak.
To an indian too. Unless they knew I was a Lankan.
Bloody ******* still sore cos they aren't as good as our cricketers.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

November days..

It's November.
I can't believe how fast time flies.
I miss the days where I could do nothing
and not feel a cloud of guilt above my tired
and worn out being.
I desperately need to laugh out loud.
Have a day to myself.

I'm not asking for too much, am I?