hehe for you guys la.. always asking me to post something new.
(A is for age?:)
> 19 once it's 22nd September *hint hint*
(B is for beer of choice?:)
> Umm I hate beer but i'd go for the one with Brad
Pitt in the ad =D
(C is for career:)
> Lawyer
(D is for your dog's name:)
> Ganesh and Kell.. haha kiddin la!
(E is for essential item you use everyday:)
>my brain, wit and facial wash.
(F is for favorite song at the moment:)
> Damien Rice- Amie, eh its really damn nice
> Chinese contemporary pop
(G is for favorite games:)
> Risk, badminton, tennis, swimming, laughing at people.. oh wait.. thats not a game..
> a special game I play with Owen. *wink* ;)
(H is for hometown:)
> Kuching, Seremban. Whoever who thinks Seremban is a ulu kampung without a bowling alley should be thrown in a car with me driving and kina and gis laughing at them (things can't get any worse than that)
(I is for instruments you play:)
(J is for favorite juice?:)
> Mango
(K is for kids?:)
> I'd like 4, 2 boys and 2 girls, thank you.
(L is for last hug?:)
> Last night... by my DAD, dearies..
(M is for marriage:)
> Owen, shuddup and propose already..
(N is for name of your crush:)
> Michael Owen, if u didnt already know.
(O is for overnight camping stays:)
> tak pernah.. too precious to sleep with
mosquitoes in the dirt. hahaa but if i could trade
the mosquitoes for Owen, that'll be my DREAM!
(P is for phobias:)
> i'm not too scared of anything, but i do hate fat
bitchy bigmouth backstabbing males..
oh yea, cockroaches too
And getting stuck with Gis and Kins without a voice to speak for myself.
May 13, 1969, here we come!
(Q is for quote:)
> Live everyday to the fullest as if it were ur last!
(R is for biggest regret:)
> Getting carried away with the moment, not
> Not saying and doing the things I should have
(S is for status:)
> Single.. still waiting for Owen to get me a
diamond ring and make my day..
(T is for time you wake up:)
> 5.30am on weekdays.. 2 pm on weekends.
(U is for underwear:)
> Hahaa im not gona ans that q and undermine
myself.. get it? undermine? haha as in its haha funny..
but I do like black and pretty ones. And NOT ones with animals on it.
(V is for vegetable you love:)
> taumiau.. some chinese vege la.. i have noo idea
haw too speltll it.
(W is for worst habit:)
> sleep while driving.. KIDDIN! eh kina and gis.. i
was kiddin.. why dont u guys wanna get in a car
with me driving? come on.. i was kiddin la.. K-I-D-D-I-N-G!
(X is for x-rays you've had:)
> None that I remem
(Y is for yummy food you make:)
> Burgers.. best in seremban. At least that's wat
my mom believes.. yea.. like how ur mom thinks
ur smart and good-looking.. hahahaa *rofl*
(Z is for zodiac:)
> Virgo
(A is for age?:)
> 19 once it's 22nd September *hint hint*
(B is for beer of choice?:)
> Umm I hate beer but i'd go for the one with Brad
Pitt in the ad =D
(C is for career:)
> Lawyer
(D is for your dog's name:)
> Ganesh and Kell.. haha kiddin la!
(E is for essential item you use everyday:)
>my brain, wit and facial wash.
(F is for favorite song at the moment:)
> Damien Rice- Amie, eh its really damn nice
> Chinese contemporary pop
(G is for favorite games:)
> Risk, badminton, tennis, swimming, laughing at people.. oh wait.. thats not a game..
> a special game I play with Owen. *wink* ;)
(H is for hometown:)
> Kuching, Seremban. Whoever who thinks Seremban is a ulu kampung without a bowling alley should be thrown in a car with me driving and kina and gis laughing at them (things can't get any worse than that)
(I is for instruments you play:)
(J is for favorite juice?:)
> Mango
(K is for kids?:)
> I'd like 4, 2 boys and 2 girls, thank you.
(L is for last hug?:)
> Last night... by my DAD, dearies..
(M is for marriage:)
> Owen, shuddup and propose already..
(N is for name of your crush:)
> Michael Owen, if u didnt already know.
(O is for overnight camping stays:)
> tak pernah.. too precious to sleep with
mosquitoes in the dirt. hahaa but if i could trade
the mosquitoes for Owen, that'll be my DREAM!
(P is for phobias:)
> i'm not too scared of anything, but i do hate fat
bitchy bigmouth backstabbing males..
oh yea, cockroaches too
And getting stuck with Gis and Kins without a voice to speak for myself.
May 13, 1969, here we come!
(Q is for quote:)
> Live everyday to the fullest as if it were ur last!
(R is for biggest regret:)
> Getting carried away with the moment, not
> Not saying and doing the things I should have
(S is for status:)
> Single.. still waiting for Owen to get me a
diamond ring and make my day..
(T is for time you wake up:)
> 5.30am on weekdays.. 2 pm on weekends.
(U is for underwear:)
> Hahaa im not gona ans that q and undermine
myself.. get it? undermine? haha as in its haha funny..
but I do like black and pretty ones. And NOT ones with animals on it.
(V is for vegetable you love:)
> taumiau.. some chinese vege la.. i have noo idea
haw too speltll it.
(W is for worst habit:)
> sleep while driving.. KIDDIN! eh kina and gis.. i
was kiddin.. why dont u guys wanna get in a car
with me driving? come on.. i was kiddin la.. K-I-D-D-I-N-G!
(X is for x-rays you've had:)
> None that I remem
(Y is for yummy food you make:)
> Burgers.. best in seremban. At least that's wat
my mom believes.. yea.. like how ur mom thinks
ur smart and good-looking.. hahahaa *rofl*
(Z is for zodiac:)
> Virgo